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Welcome to the Earthquakesite! Here you will get to know everything about earthquakes.

I am going to answer the next questions about earthquakes on this site:

1. What are earthquakes?

2. What is the cause of earthquakes?

3. Where occur earthquakes on earth?

4. What are the consequences of earthquakes?

5. In what way are people trying to arm themselves against earthquakes?

Except above-mentioned there is also some more information on this site, for example the 10 greatest and the 10 deadliest earthquakes, a quiz, a photocollection of all the pictures on this site and I can go so on for a couple of minutes. I would say: Enjoy yourself and most of all good luck. I hope you will find everything you need to know about earthquakes... Of course I would never reject any suggestions to improve this site. In that case you can send an e-mail to: